About Tuition & Fees

Tuition rates for all students are approved by the school management before the beginning of the academic year. Summer tuition rates are approved at the Board meeting in February before the term begins. Admission registration dates can be found on the Admissions Page. See Important Dates for payment due dates and other deadlines.

Resumption, Payment of Fees, and Withdrawal

All students are expected to return on the resumption day before 5:30pm. Details of school fees are set out on a separate sheet. The fees for each term are payable on or before the first day of the term for which they are due.
Failure to pay the fees without informing the school and agreeing alternative arrangements can result in the school disallowing the student to continue at the school, until such time as the fees are paid.

A full term’s notice is required before the withdrawal of a student. In default of such a notice in writing a term’s fees will be charged.
The principal may require a student to leave the school without notice if it is considered that this is in the interest of the student or the school. In this event, no claims will be accepted for the return of any portion of the fees paid for that term.

It is the policy of the school to keep fees at a realistic level commensurate with good commercial practice, thus ensuring stability, continuity and the maintenance of the best quality education for our students. The Board will always endeavour to give a term’s notice of any change in fees, but they reserve the'”right to increase the fees without a term’s notice, if expenditure has been increased and because of circumstances over which the Board has no


A one week orientation course is usually organized by the Guidance and Counseling Unit for the new students. At this time, the new students are introduced to the life, tradition, rules and regulations of the College. Teachers and other principal officers of the College are invited to address the students on various aspects of school life. These include academics and social and moral education. Experience over the years has shown that the one-week orientation course for the new students has been very beneficial.

Ongoing Orientation Programme for the New Intakes