The Principal's Message

The Catholic School continues to play an important role in the formation of young people. The Catholic Church upholds the all-round formation of young people in its document, Gravissimum Educationis (Declaration on Christian Education) 1965. In particular, it explains the meaning of the universal right to education in this way:

Therefore, children and young people must be helped, with the aid of the latest advances in psychology and the arts and science of teaching, to develop harmoniously their physical, moral and intellectual endowments so that they may gradually acquire a mature sense of responsibility in striving endlessly to form their own lives properly and in pursuing true freedom as they surmount the vicissitudes of life with courage and constancy.
(Gravissimum Educationis 1965, no. 2).

Regina Pacis College as a Catholic school for girls lives out this reality. In this school, the management and staff work assiduously to ensure that students are guided well in navigating their future. The school under the leadership of the Daughters of Divine Love Congregation stives to nurture the girls into becoming women of elegance and virtue. The dedicated staff in this school driven by passion and conviction teach their subjects with the hope of receiving great outcomes that go beyond the classroom.

At Regina Pacis, the students have abundant opportunities to learn not just the academic subjects, but other numerous skills that would help them to survive after graduation. Also, spiritual and moral formation and instruction available to students have helped the students into becoming the best version of themselves.
This is made possible through the presence of our resident Chaplains, past and present.
At Regina Pacis College, we encourage collaboration, friendship, respect for adults, oneself and peers, hard work, and love of God and neighbour.

The Proprietor of this school always support us to achieve our goals. We welcome girls from all over the country and beyond irrespective of creed or background. Girls who have great hopes for their future find their base at Regina Pacis College.

May God support our collective effort in our educational endeavours.

Thank you.

Rev. Sr. Mary Aloysius Onwuegbuchulam,

Principal, Regina Pacis College Abuja